Sunday, May 12, 2013

Part 62: Is that a… uh?? Jan 5, 2013

On my last day in Spain I hopped the train for Figueres so I could visit the Dali Theatre Museum.  I have been a huge Dali fan for a long time and have seen several of his works including those at the Dali museum in St. Petersburg, FL (weird place for a Dali museum, yes, but it has the largest collection of his works outside of Figueres).  I was really excited. 

I got to Figueres map free and just decided to wing it.  Luckily, since the museum is basically the only attraction in the town, there are a lot of signs.  I got to the museum before it opened, so I had a sandwich for breakfast before buying my ticket and heading inside. 


The museum is found inside an old theatre and a medieval tower that Dali bought and converted first into his home, then into his museum.  The tower is from the 16th century and is the last remaining part of the town’s fortress.  It obviously looks much different now as it is painted sort of a pinkish color and has giant eggs on the top.


Inside is the largest collection of Dali’s artwork, including the Mae West room (the furniture looks like her face), several sculptures, and the jewelry he designed.  It also shows his personal art collection including paintings by El Greco and an exhibition by Dali’s friend  Antoni Pitxot (he likes to draw people made of boulders). 

The jewl collection was spectacular.  It included a beating heart made of rubies, an elephant with long legs, a dolphin, and so many other sparkly things. 

Lastly, if you ever get to go, don’t forget to pay your respects.  Dali is buried in a crypt in the basement of the museum. 

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